Sunday, January 29, 2012

Symptoms of Depression

This is a good "quote" from the National Alliance on Mental Illness website for the symptoms of depression.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression is the other phase of bipolar disorder. The symptoms of depression may include:
  • loss of energy
  • prolonged sadness
  • decreased activity and energy
  • restlessness and irritability
  • inability to concentrate or make decisions
  • increased feelings of worry and anxiety
  • less interest or participation in, and less enjoyment of activities normally enjoyed
  • feelings of guilt and hopelessness
  • thoughts of suicide
  • change in appetite (either eating more or eating less)
  • change in sleep patterns (either sleeping more or sleeping less)

I share this quote to educate those who may not know or understand depression.

When I am depressed I don't necessarily experience ALL of these symptoms,
 but I do experience a good handful.
The degree or intensity of the symptoms varies.

Just because I take medication for my illness doesn't mean I don't get depressed.
It is BECAUSE I follow my doctor's orders
that the severity of my symptoms are lessened and I am better able to manage my illness.